"The generation born completely within the technological age, war on terror, and multiculturalism. This generation is the first true global culture as their characteristics and trend is more uniform across the globe as they become the most open minded generation to date.
The earliest will vaguely remembers the 20th century, little affinity (mental age factor) or no memory of September 11th 2001, and the last golden years of TV animations in the western world, in Asia and elsewhere, Rise in standard of living, exposure to Computer and Internet and grow up in the reduction in moral, traditional values.
Comparable to grandparents Silent Generations and parents, Generation X. As of 2010 however, Generation Z culture are rising, they are predicted to be more cautious, more conservative and connected than ever with everyone around the globe. Despite the trend of them conforming to the Postmodernism counterculture or "spoiled culture". Generation Z's awareness will certainly derived them from the former generation mindset. They will help shape the fragile 21st century (Though not pioneer them like Gen Y) into a new understanding and approach of the global society."
I think this is a great introduction to Gen Z, if you have questions, comments or random insults please post a comment below.
ReplyDelete7 Tips for FUFOON Success
You probably have an image firmly planted in your mind of what network (also known as direct sales or multilevel marketing) is all about--housewives buying and selling Tupperware while gossiping and eating finger sandwiches, or a high-pressure salesperson trying to convince you how easily you can become a millionaire if only you and your friends and their friends and so on would buy and sell vitamins with him.
Both of these images couldn't be further from the reality of network market. It's neither a hobby nor a get-rich-scheme, but an opportunity for you to earn money running your own part- or full-time business.
But what does it take to succeed in this industry? Vincent J. Kellsey, director of member services for the Direct Selling Women's Alliance, an organization that provides a variety of resources to women and men in the direct-selling industry, offers these tips for making it:
Choose wisely. There are six key elements you should be looking for [when selecting an opportunity]. Number one: stability. How old is the company? Number two is excellent products or services that consumers will use and need more of.
Number three is the pay plan--how even and fair and generous overall is the distribution? This is really crucial as the payment plan represents exactly how you'll get paid--or not get paid. There are really only two questions to ask [regarding this]: How many pennies out of each sales dollar get paid back to the distributors each month, and how fair is the distribution of these pennies between the old members and the new members?
Number four is the integrity of the company and the management. As much as possible, [investigate] the experience of the CEO, [their] experience in the network marketing industry, and their background. [Have] they been successful in other companies in the industry? Do they have a good reputation?
Number five is momentum and timing. Look at where the company's at, what's going on with the company, and if it's growing.
Number six is supported, training and business systems. You may have [chosen] a great company with excellent management, products that make a difference, a payment plan that's uniquely fair and very generous, and momentum and stability, but if you don't have a system in place that works, all of that [doesn't matter]. Most companies will have a transferable training system that they use, and that's where mentorship comes in.
Practice what they teach. [To succeed,] you need to be willing to listen and learn from mentors.